Today I’ve reached 1000 miles on my motorbike (about 1600km). I have a bike for two months. And I already had one big tour, to home in Elbląg and back. That was about 660km.
First, 300km was without a single cloud, sunny, just great weather. But coming back was worse. I had visited my family in another city, so I’ve taken a long road. And then almost all the time it was raining. But yours truly had returned safely.
I had a couple of adventures with motor, but I like riding on it. ;-) It’s great to avoid traffic jams (which becomes worse lately due to roadworks). And it’s a great way of moving. ;-) Some pictures of my bike (photos was taken fresh from returning home):
Since last Tuesday I’m 27 years old. I saw that picture couple days before my birthday, and I thought
it is perfect for that day: Many years are behind me, but many more are ahead!
And I see that this will be 30th post. Since I’ve using blog since January 2007, that will be almost one post/month. :-) I’ll try posting more frequently, but I do not promise anything.
So, good night to all of you…
UPDATE1: I forgot to mention what motorcycle it is. It’s Yamaha XJ600N.
UPDATE2: I’ve upgraded wordpress to newest stable version, added Twitter Tools and changed skin, as you can see. ;-)